Bizarre happenings in the world of Python. It seems that you are really not supposed to compare
floating-point and decimal numbers, as this example
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 17 2008, 19:35:17)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
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>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> Decimal('1.0') > 2.0
>>> Decimal('3.0') > 2.0
>>> Decimal('1.0') < 2.0
>>> Decimal('3.0') < 2.0
>>> 2.0 < Decimal('1.0')
>>> 2.0 < Decimal('3.0')
>>> 2.0 > Decimal('1.0')
>>> 2.0 > Decimal('3.0')
But that’s not the end yet. I have
NLTK 0.9.4 installed, and watch how truth is reversed if I simply
import the NLTK package:
I’m filing bugs about this, but I do find this quite entertaining in a
‘oh-my-God-I-always-believed-Python-was-a-well-behaved-language’ sort of way.
Edit: Edward Loper from NLTK gave
an explanation
why this is the case – it’s not because of NLTK, but because of Python’s internal handling of the
comparison operator on floating-point
Apparently, you're only allowed to use comparison operators to compare
Decimal objects to (i) other
Decimal objects; (ii) integers; (iii) longs. Here, you're comparing it to a
float, which isn't allowed, as evidenced by the
Since Decimal's
__cmp__ method returns
NotImplemented, python falls back on using
__cmp__ method. Unfortunately, when you compare a
float to some random object, the results are pretty much arbitrary, and are not
guaranteed to be consistent. [...]
nltk's not really playing much of a role here (other than
tweaking the system to change that arbitrary result -- my guess would be that the result depends on
the pointer address of the
Decimal class, or of some other object like that).
Crazy stuff.
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