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Flickr API security weakness, and thoughts about web APIs in general

Published by Martin Kleppmann on 26 Jan 2009.

I am in the process of uploading my entire digital photo archive to my Flickr account. This is a fairly big job as I have collected over 10,000 digital photos since 2001; prior to uploading they were sorted into a hierarchy of folders with copies on several different hard drives. I tried a few different applications for uploading to Flickr, but none really did what I wanted – I want to:

  • map folder names to Flickr photosets and/or tags,
  • be able to pause and resume the upload process (since it takes days and days to upload so many photos),
  • use the right sorting order,
  • deal sensibly with failures (using a retry schedule, giving up up after a number of unsuccessful attempts).

Eventually I came to the conclusion that I will just have to write my own Flickr uploader (uploadr) script (not yet finished; currently based on Cameron Mallory’s, although maybe I should be using Python Flickr API kit instead) and make the source available so that I (and others with specialist upload requirements) can just customise it as we wish.

Anyway, that’s why I’ve been playing around with the Flickr API. I reckon the API has contributed significantly to Flickr’s success, because it makes it feasible for third parties to provide a huge variety of tools, all of which add value to Flickr as a platform (and being a popular platform for developers is incredibly valuable). And at first I thought it was a really neat API: you don’t need to give out your password (which would put you at risk of someone else storing it insecurely); you can choose to which applications you want to grant access your data, and revoke that permission later; you can even choose between different levels of permission (read-only, read-write without delete, read-write with delete).

Good authentication of access is incredibly important. Imagine somebody managed to break into my account (which contains only harmless photos of friends, family and holidays) and went on to post child pornography pictures. I don’t even want to think about it. If they were technically competent, they would maybe do so from a public wireless network and fake their network card’s MAC address. Then it would be hard for me to prove that it wasn’t me, and that would mean serious trouble. Therefore access to my account must be safe.

Flickr Uploadr is Flickr’s official desktop application for uploading photos. I stopped using it a while ago (since it lacks the features described above), but I imagine it must be quite popular. So today, while playing around with the Flickr API, I wondered how Uploadr authenticated itself. Of course, when you first launch it, you get a page in your web browser on which you need to confirm that you want to let Uploadr upload pictures to your account.

How does Flickr know that a particular file upload is coming from the real Uploadr application? That is ensured by signing each API request with a secret key. The secret key is a 64-bit number, usually written as 16 hex digits. And where is that secret key stored? Naturally, somewhere within the Flickr Uploadr application itself. If you download Uploadr, that secret is somewhere on your own hard drive.

Curious as I am, I searched for hex strings within the application binaries:

cd /Applications/Flickr\
for file in `find . -type f`; do
  strings $file | grep -Ei '[0-9a-f]{16}'

In the output you can easily spot the application’s API key (a5c4c07991a15c6b56b88005a76e7774) – a 128-bit number which also uniquely identifies the application, but isn’t secret. (Extra points if you can guess correctly how many times the string ‘0123456789abcdef’ is found. ;-) ) There’s no 64-bit number which looks like it might be the secret. However, with a small amount of experimentation I was also able to find the secret in the binaries. I won’t give it away here, but it should be a simple exercise for anybody who knows regular expressions.

The secret could have easily been hidden better (e.g. by XORing with another binary string), but that’s not the point. You could still find it with a debugger, it might just take a few hours instead of a few minutes. If somebody wants to, they can find the secret. And this applies to any other downloadable application just as much as it does to Uploadr.

I am not the first person to discover the secret key in Flickr Uploadr – Ian McKellar independently discovered it a few weeks ago, using a different method. (Also read the comments below, where Richard and Cal from Flickr have replied.)

Knowing a popular application’s secret doesn’t automatically give you access to the accounts to everybody who has authorised that application, but it does bring you a lot closer. What you would still need to do is to trick users into authorising a user token (a ‘frob’ in Flickr lingo) for that application. For example, this could be done with a fake email appearing to come from Flickr, containing a link to the authorisation page, or by redirection from some other site. On the surface it wouldn’t look much like a typical phishing email: the link would genuinely point to and Flickr would simply be asking you whether you want to authorise Flickr Uploadr. Users may pause and wonder for a moment, but if they have previously already authorised Uploadr, there’s hardly a reason why they should smell a rat. (At least that’s what I expect. I have not tried it on other people, and I’m not going to since that would be wrong.)

Alternatively, if you can sniff the traffic from another user using the real Uploadr, you can just steal their previously authenticated user token, since it is transmitted in the clear. However, if you are in a position to sniff traffic, all bets are off anyway (you could simply steal their session cookie).

The question is, of course, how to fix it?

  • Ian proposed an approach to authorisation in which users explicitly authenticate actions, not applications; any changes made by an application will first be placed in a kind of ‘quarantine’ area, and will only be published if authorised by the user through a trusted channel (the website). In theory I think this is a good idea, but it has some shortcomings: an additional step for the user, making it impractical for fast operations (such as a Twitter update) and harming the user experience; and a significant amount of additional engineering required on the site’s side to implement the ‘quarantine’ area.

  • A variant of Ian’s idea would be to allow easy undoing of changes made by a particular application during a particular time period. It would require a similar kind of versioning of data. This isn’t so much useful for preventing attacks, but it may be a good answer to buggy third-party applications which might mess up your data. For example, a while ago I tried synchronising contacts from my phone with Highrise using Soocial. It all went horribly wrong, and it would have been very useful if I could have just rolled back the changes inflicted on my data by Soocial.

  • My first suggestion to fix the Flickr security it is a fairly simple one, and doesn’t require major changes on Flickr’s side: instead of coding the secret key into the application, application developers should require that users apply for their own key, and ask them to copy that key into the application’s configuration. This effectively turns the application key into a user key. It’s not quite the way Flickr intended API keys to be used; applicants for API keys are currently asked to write a paragraph or two of text to justify why they want one, and commercial users may be unable to get a key. However, unless the current frob authentication mechanism is switched off, users remain vulnerable to the same phishing risk as before. The user experience isn’t great either.

  • If you are designing a new API, I would suggest a simpler authentication mechanism: it should not be possible for applications to request tokens themselves; authentication tokens should be produced only at the explicit request of a user, only via a trusted channel (the website), and explicitly copied and pasted into the application by the user. I think this is acceptable from the user experience perspective: it has a physical counterpart (e.g. giving your friend a key to your house: an explicit transfer of key), it’s familiar from serial numbers, and may make people think for a moment longer about the permissions they are passing on to third parties. I would still allow multiple keys for multiple different applications, to make them revocable.

  • My final suggestion is more of a comment about security awareness. Many computer users, even the not fully tech literate, are learning to watch out for phishing emails; today’s lesson is that the reality is even more complicated. Even if the link points to the right domain, even if it’s using SSL, and even if all looks right on the page, it still doesn’t meen that it’s safe.