Kafka, Samza and the Unix philosophy of distributed data
Martin Kleppmann and Jay Kreps
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 38(4):4–14,
December 2015.
Apache Kafka is a scalable message broker, and Apache Samza is a stream processing framework built
upon Kafka. They are widely used as infrastructure for implementing personalized online services and
real-time predictive analytics. Besides providing high throughput and low latency, Kafka and Samza
are designed with operational robustness and long-term maintenance of applications in mind. In this
paper we explain the reasoning behind the design of Kafka and Samza, which allow complex
applications to be built by composing a small number of simple primitives – replicated logs and
stream operators. We draw parallels between the design of Kafka and Samza, batch processing
pipelines, database architecture, and the design philosophy of Unix.