Unfortunately I forgot to share my screen, so the first 10 minutes of the talk are without slides!
Lots of software these days needs to enable collaboration between several users. We know how to
build basic web apps, where all users read and update data in a shared database. But real-time
collaboration, as we know it from Google Docs or Figma or Trello, is a much bigger challenge. It
gets even harder if you want to allow users to continue working while offline.
Automerge is an open-source library that aims to make collaboration software simple and robust. It
provides a shared JSON-like data structure that several users can update at the same time, and which
automatically merges all updates into a consistent view. It provides data formats for efficiently
storing this data and syncing it between users. It seamlessly supports both offline work and live
real-time collaboration while online.
Internally, Automerge is based on Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). In this talk we will
explore some of the interesting computer science research that makes it possible, and see how it is
used in practice.